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Friday, 22 July 2011

Coming down.....

Well, I think it's not only important to document races but also how you feel afterwards, I can read this back in the future when I am having a goldfish moment and reassure myself that it's normal :)

I was a bit sore on Monday obv, but not as sore as Tuesday! Tuesday I was having trouble walking as my right foot hurt so much. It seemed to me that it was piriformis related as the pain went up behind my knee and at points into my back. Did a swim and a lot of stretching at my desk and actually I think this did help as things felt easier on Wednesday.

Wednesday I swam and with some good advice from a friend, think I finally got the bit about not lifting your head too far out of the water to breathe......yay!!! Seeing as I will have to go easy on the running for a bit I shall concentrate on banging this lesson home and you never know I might become a better swimmer :-/

Anyway that aside when I woke on Thursday it was painful to put my foot on the floor. Yeah, seems to be PF, so all the stetching and crap that goes with that is what I must concentrate on. I was also very tired and this has continued. I was struggling to stay awake on the tube this morning despite a good 8 hours sleep, but I am putting this down to my body saying 'yeah alright I don't mind running 50 miles at the weekend but for gods sake can I have a rest before you make me go back to work? pleeeaaassseeee!'

And it struck me today that this weekend I am going to Nottingham to support friends competing in the Outlaw and I have booked Monday off, but when I do a race on Sunday I rarely take any time that seems a bit cockeyed ;D

I think I am telling myself via this blog to just flipping take some time out to recover!!!!!! I am probably breakable though I dont like to say it.

And last, Henry will be accompanying me to the Outlaw, he needs to see what goes on in an Ironman so he is prepared for next year. He has refused to camp though, and is insisting on a hotel. thinks he's a fucking celebrity or something. Ha, I can swear in this blog, I am NOT a role model.

This is me at the Outlaw last year, just to stay on theme.

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