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Thursday, 18 August 2011

Get me!!!!!

I went on a boris bike today, I asked my workmate to escort me as he cycles in regularly and we cycled to Liverpool Street and back. was alright. I didn't feel particularly bad about being on the road in London, I just would never have found my way there alone.

(you can all pretend to be shocked at that if you dont mind)

Anyway, plan is to go out at lunchtime a couple more times on my own to make sure I have it properly sussed and then whenever I need to I can do that bit of the commute by bike. My ultimate aim is to be able to do the whole commute on my own bike but you have to start somewhere dont you. Just imagine how useful a cycle of 13 miles each way would be for IM training. Not I think that I would manage it everyday.

Anyway I'm training for a flipping 100 miler not an IM right now, I should be running it :D

Sooooooo, how am I feeling after the 50? Just tired. I am a broken record I know. I feel very run down and maybe I am, I do have a very attractive facial rash caused by too much sweating. But on the plus side I am sure I did not injure anything. My big toe is a bit sorry for itself but tbh I dont care about it anymore it can do what it wants :)

I have read a number of race reports about the 100 and they dont put me off. They do make me glad the one I am doing is flat. I am rubbish at hills. Ask anyone. I am quite excited about running in the dark which may make me a bit wierd but then given the event is in March it barely gets light does it?

No events this weekend. I will train obv but maybe I will make it light training, say some OW on sat and a nice cycle on Sunday. I get upset if I dont do anything at the weekends because they are designed for exercise arent they!

Someones bound to ask me, Henry is fine after last weeks exertions. He is getting himself a bit of a fan club and I had to remove an intruder on Sunday night (pint glass, envelope underneath) she didn't want to go and I had to chase her round the room a bit, I guess I will have to get used to this now, but honestly he is very shy and not looking for anyone......HE'S MINE :)))))

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