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Tuesday, 18 October 2011

On anniversaries, teeny tiny terrors, being up all night and sandbagging......

Hello :)

I didn't blog yesterday, had a really busy weekend that seemed like it was worth nothing when I woke up yesterday. Doesn't put you in the mood to blog.....

However today I am new and improved and my smile is the right way up.

So the news this week..... tomorrow me and Mr H have been married for 20 years. I find this astonishing. It really does seem like only yesterday I was telling his dad that if he didn't turn the video camera off I wasn't coming out of the house (and I wouldn't have either, even if I had missed the wedding, maybe a not so loveable quirk :-s ) Anyway since I was so shy I dont know where any photos are, and there are def none online. I do have this one though, which was the first trip to the future in about 3 years before the big day.

awwww......blimey did I never know what was to come there. Note the Ford Escort, we spent a lot of time in that going up and down the country, sitting in traffic jams and praying it would start again. Also note white shoes. Essex. The only way :-D

Anyway, we had a curry to celebrate that. And the spent the rest of the weekend trying to eliminate the teeny tiny terrors. I wont go into this I'll just say there is a little rhyme people say to children as they go to bed. If anyone says it to me I will punch them, very hard. We will win in the end. There was some amusement though, I rang my sister and told her that in the US there were sniffer dogs trained to search out this particular pest and asked her if I could borrow her dog (a chow chow or whatever the way you spell that word is) she informed me he hadn't been trained for these pests however he was ace at sniffing out hedgehogs. I am going to remember that the next time I cant find the damn hedgehog thats been bothering me all night! (yeah I know sounds wrong but I'm leaving it there, insert whichever jokes spring to mind)

Being up all night refers to the fact that I am rather hoping to be on Saturday night. Now depending on what your idea of fun is you might not think that marshalling at a 100 mile race is it.....but I do, so thats what matters innit! So I am off to Caesers Camp. They do 30, 50 and 100 mile options, all on the same lapped course. I havent done it, and there is every possibility that once I have seen it I never want to but the best way for me to appreciate how I will feel whilst I am running through the night is to see other athletes doing the same. And I like helping out too, I may meet some people who are doing the TP100, which would be nice.

Aaaaaaand so to todays final subject. Sandbagging. It's got to be done hasn't it and so as I state publicly that I have entered next years Outlaw, I shall also state that I will be rubbish. I am doing the 100 miler in March. There is noooo waaaaay I will be able to do enough cycling between then and July to be any good at all.

And my legs will be broken.
No actually they will have been amputated.
Have I told you my big toe has gangrene?
See, I will be rubbish. If I scrape in before the 17 hour cut off I will be amazed.
(is that enough yet? There is more where that came from and I will wheel it out every now and again)

I should say something about training now shouldn't I?
Every now and again I go running.
There that'll do.

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