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Monday, 9 January 2012

It's not always as easy.....

as I make it look you know :)

My last blog was about the Winter Enigma marathon. It was a week ago today.

Feels like 100 years!

Despite the fact that we all know I am a fabulous endurance athlete I found the week training after this bloody hard.

Tuesday, first proper day back at work. I hauled myself outside and ran a mile. A WHOLE MILE. If I told you that this was to stretch my legs after the mara and get things working again, I would be a liar. I ran it to have one of the Jantastic runs done. It may give you some insight here if I say that once, lots of years ago I was off work with a particularly nasty cold. At the time I had set myself a target of so many step classes a week (I had one indoors) I was going to miss this weeks target if I didn't do it, so I did. Well, I did half of it before I fainted. I dont think I need to say anymore there.

Wednesday, woke feeling rough because of my tooth probs, was toying with staying home but eventually got myself out for 3 miles and then onto work, I was glad I ran and it was a nice one.

Thursday was 3 days after the mara when the tiredness always gets me badly. No energy, barely able to concentrate at work so I called it a rest day and I realise I needed it. Friday was finally my appt to get tooth sorted. Now I love using running as a means to get chores done and to places I have to be which are walkable so I ran there. My 30 minute appointment was an hour in the end and I had so much local anaesthetic I am still dribbling (I am going to stick to that excuse). It was only that it took so long to get paid for it and sort out the next appt that I wasn't crying when I left! Yeah alright dentist maybe I am a nervous patient but I honestly dont see what the problem with that is. What you are doing is hurting me, I generally shy away from pain, especially the sort that dentists cause.

I do know that they are fixing something that we can presumably prevent by not actually eating anything or having saliva, or ,or well not having a mouth eh?. Do you remember those red tablets we got at school? you would clean your teeth and then chew one to find out how well you had done it.........which was always awfully.......because you need a flip top head to clean your teeth that well, and to not have anything else to do all day!!!! Anyway, I'm digressing aren't I......

Oh yeah, I ran home too. Small milage, but emminently loggable on Jantastic.

Saturday I planned to run to parkrun, do parkrun then run home. I woke up in good time but my jaw was so sore I decided to stay in bed and feel sorry for myself until eventually I worked up the energy to go for an hours run. Having not got to parkrun I had to rearrange delivery of my old garmin to a running club friend. This was made easier because my club were meeting at Hainault next morning for an off road jaunt.

So Sunday I left the house at 8.30 for what I thought was 7 miles (was 6.2) up to Hainault. I thought I would be late but no I was got quite cold waiting for the off. Did around 4 with club mates then ran home...... my legs were shockingly tired and I struggled loads. I am hoping it was because I got so cold, because 15 miles really shouldn't bother me that much. I have been stretching since as piriformis is tight on both sides and 3 miles this morning didn't feel too bad.

So whats next.............well Gloucester in 2 weeks, then 2 weeks after that it's the Moonlight Challenge (I did my entry online this morning, I have received an email from the organiser this afternoon saying hi and telling me my number is 53.....good service eh?) then 2 weeks after that it is 4 in 4 days at the quadzilla and then ......


(Thanks to Steve Easleys dad for the photo which I have shamelessly ripped off facebook without asking)

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