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Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Now, you're at the wheel.....

Tell me how, how does it feel?

It feels bloody great, for the first time in quite a while I feel like me and my body are working together again. I'm just trying to remember what I blogged last time.........hang on..................oh yeah, I was banging on about the olympics and how good all that was.

It was rather wasn't it.

So my running, I'm still not running that much tbh, still trying to let my body build back the iron stores. Dont want it to be like baling water out of a boat with a hole in the bottom :-/

But......... I did parkrun last Saturday. I ran there, 2 miles and then did it. The field wasn't big, I didn't recognise any of the ladies in it, but two of them went quite near the front for the start so I thought that they must be my competition.

Do I sound like a twat when I say that? It isn't like I am quick or owt, but I do take racing stuff pretty seriously :)

Anyway, set off quick as ever, and within 500m was ahead of both those ladies and just behind the leading men. I felt ok. Actually I felt quite good, so I thought ok I'll keep this up. I ran round the corner to the lake and checked behind me, no I'm not losing any ground, I appear to be gaining.......ok keep it up.

And basically I did, I didn't run out of gas which has been happening recently, It was bloody hot but tbh I think that suits me. Once I had a k to go I knew I was going to maintain first lady and that it was going to be sub 24, I knew this cos I felt good.

23.23. Delighted. I think I have only run faster than this once in a recorded 5k. I went 23 something at serpie last Friday of the month 5k back in 2004 and 22.47 at 2010 barking park 5k. Everything else has been 24+.

And just to prove that maintaining that average was not a fluke I did a mile rep session this am. 1m easy 1m hm pace 1m easy 1m hm pace 1m easy 1m hm pace 1m easy. Now projected (god only knows when) hm pace is 7.37. Today I hit 7.31, 7.19, 7.34. I am confident that I am gradually learning how to put these together. I guess I need a 10k soon. I do have a 5k on bh Monday. We will see how that goes.

I am also sorting out my diet with a bit of help from a nutritionist that I have got to know via twitter. I guess that my best mara time came when I was about 9 and a half stone. I am 10 stone 5 at the minute. Now this for my height is not overweight (well BMI is fine but thats a bit of a shite indicator of health as we know) but I know I would be a better runner if I could just get rid of any excess.And with the food plans I have had so far I think this will be entirely possible. It is taking me a while to get my head round having more food in the house than just apples bananas and bread, and I will admit that having someone tell me what to eat makes me want to throw my knife and fork on the floor, cross my arms, stamp my foot and say 'well I wont eat anything then' but thinking more about what I eat is definitely going to be good for me.

It says on Sunday have a small choc bar such as a flake. Bless him, Mr H saw this or heard me say it, so he got me a flake. 'when are you going to eat that?' he asks 'oh I dont think its on the plan til Sunday' I reply. 'oh right,' he says 'well maybe I'll just have to eat that one now and get you another for sunday' :-D

In other news, I am really really looking for a job now. I have got everything I can out of this job so my contract ending is not a bad thing. Unless it ends before I have more paid employment. Then it becomes a VERY VERY BAD THING.

And I almost forgot...............went to the V Festival at the weekend. Says it all really doesnt it. Yeah it was ok. No great shakes.

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