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Friday, 28 December 2012

So what d'ya say?

You can't give me the dreams that are mine anyway......

But I can list a few goals and stuff can't I :)

And I can REVIEW THE YEAR :-D cos I hate that don't I. I'll be quick though, I'm not one for gabbing on.

Jan- cant remember
Feb- did quadzilla, it made me want to kill myself
Mar- went to Philadelphia, spoke at a conference, other stuff. Didn't run 100 miles.
April- didn't run London.
May- um....
June- er.....
July- found out I was anaemic which would explain the ambivalence towards running. Got very drunk watching Bruce Springsteen
August- took lots of iron, ran short stuff better, went to V, wasn't impressed. Worried about being unemployed.
Sept- did sub3 Olympic tri, got new job.
Oct- did 21.38 at parkrun, got 1st female at Brentwood 10k won £100 :-D won parkrunner of the month
Nov-left old job, started new. Had week holiday, tried out hot tub. No idea what the fuss is about them.
Dec-got inov8 195s and loved them :) went to my sisters for Xmas, loved it. Saw a genuine reindeer print. Got my very own fluffy unicorn.

And now for my goals for 2013.

*clears throat*

I have absolutely no fucking idea :-D

Last year I said what I was going to do and I didn't. I'm not making that mistake again. I currently am only enjoying short fast running. I don't know when that will change. I'm making no predictions. I will concentrate on my work and let the other stuff go on around it. Then I won't be disappointed in myself will I.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Cos it's you.......

Oooh ooh ooh it's always you, and I always knew that its you..oooh..ooh

That gets me bopping at the moment. And makes Mr H cover his ears in the car. That last ooh is painful :-D

Well it was my birthday this week, I had a nice day, lots of birthday wishes on Facebook and twitter and even *gasp* some in the flesh too.

Those boots duly arrived :-D I had a nice evening out with friends and general loveliness really. I am lucky.

Then on Wednesday I had the afternoon off for the official start of Xmas lunch bash I do every year with a group of people who are mainly people that taught me at uni. We left after D thought he was still lecturing and spreading his arms wide like a great orator threw an entire pint of beer over the pub. Can't take em anywhere.

Erm I worked a bit too, I'm actually really busy but you don't really want to hear about setting up procedures for a bio bank. Nor do I really.

I didn't run all week *beams*, sometimes you just have to say, fuck it, I don't want to, I have too much else on. So I did.

Did parkrun Saturday, feeling pretty jaded I guess due to a few excesses in the week. Still First Lady but the gloss is coming off that a bit! 22.25.

Then we did what I thought was an excellent ram raid style shop at tescos procuring many of the gifts we will give next week. This involved a bit of Mr H loading stuff onto the belt yelling at me to RUN and get things we had forgotten. Bit like that Dale Winton show. Hmmm what happened to him eh? I didn't like him anyway.

Today was xc. At Dunton, near Billericay I'm told. It wasn't hilly at all, it was just a grassy swamp. But I enjoyed it, and felt I worked hard. I was first female for Dagenham (17th female) but in this league you have to have have a combined men and women's team. The women need 3, with prob 1 vet, but the men need 7, with 2 or 3 vets. We had 5 ladies but only 3 men so we came last :( because of the scores that get added on for missing runners.

It used to be that we always turned out men's teams but not ladies, bit frustrating that now we have surplus females we can't get the boys!

We put the tree up just now. There's a rule that states that if you can't sing well you should sing as loud as you can, we have used this as a general principal and utilised it for tree decoration :-D

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Did you know, I've been wanting you?

So leave the locks on the latch yeah?

That's just what I've been listening to. What sticks :-)

Hmmm, this week. Job? Yeah fine. Still got a way to go before its my job. That's fine.

News. Shocking. That the nurse who answered the telephone killed herself? Um really? Please, she was fooled. I hope it wasn't just that....except that sounds wrong too, I don't know. I will admit, I have a pact with myself that if it all seems too much then yeah just do it. But I have no kids. And I also have methods I refined. Long time ago. Smile :)

Ha! Dunno what I'm talking about. If someone did it to you you wouldn't, you just never would. I can't explain that. I don't want to.

Anyway running. Hmm 22.30 parkrun after a night out. Not bad really. And today was 16 with 14 at mp.

Never happened. I did 8 half mile reps at 3.32. It worked. Sort of. Only the last rep was longer.

Then out for lunch at a restaurant 5 mins up the road. Roast dinner for both of us and a bottle of wine and some beer for £40.00 not bad!!!!

Birthday tomorrow. No one at work knows. Good.

Saturday, 1 December 2012

I've been away I've been working.....

But now I'm back and I need to know if you're still there, and I need to know if you still care......

Of course you do!

I left the Institute of Neurology in 2005, where I'd been a research technician and done a PhD, though I was still writing it up as I started a new job for the MRC. I didn't want to leave, but contracts end and it is true that working in a different group is good after your PhD, spreading your wings and all that.

I learned there that science was what I wanted to do, and met some of the best people I've ever known and still count lots of people from there as friends.

This week I went back, to start a new contract. I'm working on the same floor I was then but it is very different. The department I worked in went when the professor retired as is often the case. The department that replaced it is much bigger and the research range much broader but I have to say it has enthused me and I really hope I can step up to my new challenge. Currently there is lots of groundwork to lay for what is a very big and ambitious project but that's part of the fun. I'll admit I'm itching to get to actual research, but that will come. It's important to get everything right before we start, we will be dealing with precious samples people have allowed us to have, and that is a privelige.

Soooo not much to report running wise, been too wrapped up really. I volunteered at parkrun today and thoroughly enjoyed it. Seeing the last two ladies being so so chuffed at another improvement was actually much nicer than doing another 22 something 5k that I'm not that impressed with!

What I did do today was a 12 mile run with 10 at mp. That's 8.22 at the moment and I did every single one of them at sub that ... From 7.55 to 8.20.

Now that really pleased me. I didn't slow badly at the end last one was 8.15, and it shows me progress in maintaining pace and effort. This when physically I'm feeling quite flat and I'll be honest, tired.

Tomorrow's session is hmp, so harder but shorter. Then I'm off to see Elbow at the O2.

I'm a lucky girl :)))))