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Sunday, 16 December 2012

Cos it's you.......

Oooh ooh ooh it's always you, and I always knew that its you..oooh..ooh

That gets me bopping at the moment. And makes Mr H cover his ears in the car. That last ooh is painful :-D

Well it was my birthday this week, I had a nice day, lots of birthday wishes on Facebook and twitter and even *gasp* some in the flesh too.

Those boots duly arrived :-D I had a nice evening out with friends and general loveliness really. I am lucky.

Then on Wednesday I had the afternoon off for the official start of Xmas lunch bash I do every year with a group of people who are mainly people that taught me at uni. We left after D thought he was still lecturing and spreading his arms wide like a great orator threw an entire pint of beer over the pub. Can't take em anywhere.

Erm I worked a bit too, I'm actually really busy but you don't really want to hear about setting up procedures for a bio bank. Nor do I really.

I didn't run all week *beams*, sometimes you just have to say, fuck it, I don't want to, I have too much else on. So I did.

Did parkrun Saturday, feeling pretty jaded I guess due to a few excesses in the week. Still First Lady but the gloss is coming off that a bit! 22.25.

Then we did what I thought was an excellent ram raid style shop at tescos procuring many of the gifts we will give next week. This involved a bit of Mr H loading stuff onto the belt yelling at me to RUN and get things we had forgotten. Bit like that Dale Winton show. Hmmm what happened to him eh? I didn't like him anyway.

Today was xc. At Dunton, near Billericay I'm told. It wasn't hilly at all, it was just a grassy swamp. But I enjoyed it, and felt I worked hard. I was first female for Dagenham (17th female) but in this league you have to have have a combined men and women's team. The women need 3, with prob 1 vet, but the men need 7, with 2 or 3 vets. We had 5 ladies but only 3 men so we came last :( because of the scores that get added on for missing runners.

It used to be that we always turned out men's teams but not ladies, bit frustrating that now we have surplus females we can't get the boys!

We put the tree up just now. There's a rule that states that if you can't sing well you should sing as loud as you can, we have used this as a general principal and utilised it for tree decoration :-D

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