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Sunday, 17 February 2013

You looked amazing.......

Radiant like the sun......

Ok, no one said that to me, but a couple of people did say to me that my running style looked comfortable and relaxed. I like that :-)

Getting ahead of myself aren't I.

After last Sundays exertions I felt pretty tired on Monday. I never planned to run but I did plan circuits after work. That idea was binned when I actually began to feel pretty ropey in the afternoon and I basically shot out of work at 5 to go home and do SFA. Sometimes you have to.

Tuesday I got up and did 5miles recovery which was ok. Weds was a bit like Monday just really tired and lethargic so I left the 14 miles I had planned for Thursday.

Bad plan.

Thursday I woke at 5 to rain hammering against the window and my resolve quickly washed away. I argued with myself for some time and finally decided I would do 5 at mp then add miles to Saturday to make up. I like running, but it has to fit with me. I know to improve you have to make yourself hurt sometimes but I like to think that I'm experienced enough now to juggle things to prevent myself from actually hating it.

Anyway, Friday I booked a bootcamp class at lunchtime and loved it, the sun was out and being able to get out in the middle of the day to actually feel a bit of it on my skin was bliss. We did a fair amount of quad stuff so I was aware they were a bit heavy at the end. Got back to work muddy and grinning :-)

I rarely go out Friday night these days but decided to meet a friend for a couple and then get picked up by Mr H and pick up kebabs. BAD KEBABS :D I always like the idea of these much more than I like them. Always far too much and what do you need the pitta for anyway? My fave bit is the jalapeƱo s. I could just buy a jar couldn't I? It wasn't much of a surprise to find both of us roaming the house in the early hours trying to quench thirsts that would not be quenched!

Had to be awake early on sat to do 6 miles before parkrun and good girl I woke up. I still felt full up from the kebab and I will admit my stomach had felt better but whatever I left at 8 and ran a warm up mile intending to do the rest at mara pace. First 2 were poor, but then I started to get it and by the time I pitched up at barking I had had a decent run. Looked around and didn't see any new girls who I wasn't sure of so had set myself a target of 22.30.

Started ok, thinking actually it was nice and warm really and that suited me. Was soon in third place up to the turn around. Still third along the lake and Barry in front of me starts show boating for the camera ' look I'm second, I'm second!!!!!'

Not for bloody long you're not I thought to myself and started to ease it up. 3/4 PF the way along the lake I pull along side him, and he speeds up! Ok I thought, I will just stick with you I know you will run out of steam soon.

I was right, we turned the corner and I went past him. I didn't think he would come back but I didn't take any chances :D 1st mile Alan shouts out the time. 6.45 ..... Ooh I thought, that's a good day, how do I feel? Erm, ok really so I will keep it up.

Halfway you get the time shouted out again. 10.36. Gosh. I could be on for a PB here.

But only if I don't lose focus.

I didn't. I wanted that second place I have never come second overall. I kept that thought in my mind all the way round the second lap, determined not to have it taken off me.

Result 21.31. Job done! 7 second PB. Bit annoyed I left it on an odd number though.

Went home showered and then got ready for afternoon xc at Parliament Hill. Basically a hilly mudfest with loads of women who are much better than me and some who aren't. Had fun and was glad I did it. Another 5 miles in the bag with hills.

This morning was the last xc in the SEE league at Hadleigh. The third time I have run that course this year or approximations of it. It is hard, it has some awful hills. It has that hill I moaned about in the Benfleet blog, the one that finished you off just before you finish, yeah that one.....but it was great. I came 16th female.

So that's 31st, 18th, 14th, 16th and 16th. I'm not unhappy with that and five times first scorer for our ladies. I am pleased to be clean now though.

So that's it for the running shite. Work???? Well you know I'm getting there. I have a plan, it's quite exciting but I can't tell you much. Mostly because I don't want to be responsible for boring you to death but also because in the spirit of co operation and collaboration leading to cures for all the diseases we are researching we never tell anyone else anything EVER!!

I'm off to Sweden on Wednesday for some industrial espionage.

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