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Monday, 6 May 2013

We were walking, walking in two worlds,

In the garden, of sunlight home, bad children on the phone.....

The first time I heard those lyrics I did a mental double take. I knew where Ash had got that from. They got it from my 14/15 year old life.

You know I love to read yeah. But not so much as I did then. I read that book so many times, in fact I read it every couple of years but I'll never read it like I did the first time when it was a proper escape. When I read it now I remember that me and how overwhelmed with grief and guilt I was and I think thank you books, for taking me away. Thank you dad and teachers for giving me the enthusiasm and thirst for reading I have always had.

I can't imagine not having that and wonder what I'd be without it. Empty? Really good at computer games? Awesome at running :-D

*shakes self* sorry! Bit of musing there, prob cos my last few runs have been with a playlist that includes that song.

Yeah running. Been good actually. Was pleased to hit hmp on Tuesdays run when I needed to and do better than mp on both subsequent runs *high five* I guess I'm as ready as I will ever be given my inherent inability to do what I'm told :-D

Friday I had to do a talk at work, it was ok but I felt bloody awful, but that's what happens isn't it, and I still felt rough at parkrun Saturday. I won't go into details but I was very upset that the loos were locked :( .......

.......and then went and ran 21.32 with my young rival only beating me by 3 seconds. Could I have run that much quicker? Maybe, but I've got my eye on next week. 5 Ks are not important right now.

Still it is a massive confidence boost to know I can do 5ks under 22 even when I don't feel great and think that when I do prepare properly I will fucking fly :-D

And and and, someone I know has been practising run walking 5k. I am very excited about this because I owe some back. Boy do I ever :)))))

And last, but not least, I mentioned reading earlier, when I was very young, Brer Rabbit was one of my fave books!!!!! (Did it, did it!)

I will see you on the other side. Hopefully.

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