Well it's boys really but you get my drift.
I can't go to a Springsteen concert without thinking of dad. I'm not going to go all mushy or anything just cos its Father's Day. But it's true. I first heard Dancing in the dark when I was 14. I remember dancing round the kitchen to it, and my dad walked in. I wanted to impress him with the music I liked as he was well into his music and I asked his opinion. He said ' yeah, it's ok, but really you need to listen to his earlier stuff'. Ok. Well he died a few days later. I became obsessed with getting everything I could by Bruce to listen to. And yeah I was probably really was obsessed, but you do what you have to to cope.
By a happy coincidence it led to me being introduced to my husband 4 years later. He was sceptical when my colleague told him I was a Springsteen fan, but I put all doubts aside by naming all of his songs in chronological order. I did say I was obsessed. We went to see him at wembley in the summer of 2008, perhaps cementing out relationship (or maybe that was sex, dunno :-D)))
When I got that tickets for that one we were working together but no one was allowed to know, workplace policy and all that. Well he phone me to say thank you, but it wasn't me who answered my phone, so what poor Lesley thought when he told he he loved her and did a big kiss to her down the phone I don't know. She never said a word :-D
So yeah, went last night, was bloody ace, I always feel like I'm coming home when I go to one of his gigs. And I have another in two weeks. Happy days Amanda.
So, you ask running? Not bad.
Tuesday was Elvis at Harrow Lodge. Did the course in jan as a parkrun. Was bloody cross country it was so muddy and was 24.20 or something. Wasn't really looking forward to it. But, cycled there (I love when I can do that, I am aspiring to be Jenny who cycles much further than me to races) and lined up feeling ok having a few words with B who congratulated me on Southend half. Nice :)
Started like a rocket which is my only setting really, over really sapping tufty grass, I hated that but head down grit teeth. There is some Tarmac but not much, it was a real case of just digging in and wishing it over. A couple of girls from Eton manor passed me but I was running as best I could. I literally was just hanging on and listening to the supporters shouting people on to know who was behind me, mainly men so ok.
The last 500m I can hear people urging B on, so now I had to properly find out what I could do, and I did, I beat her and ended the race retching, but made it to the bin :-D 7th female and 21.57, much better effort than before.
Did this and that for the rest of the week, I was really exhausted after that, and then did parkrun Saturday. No amazing result, I was tired and it showed 22.01, but ok and I biked there and back. I am fairly sure these 4 and 5 mile rides will come in bloody handy when I cycle 100 in August......
Then today Kelvedon Hatch 5k a BRR GP race. I was umming and arring all week about whether I should drink at the concert.
Seriously, who am I kidding? Of course I drank, no point in not them tickets cost me 130 quid!
But we were in by 1 and we didn't have to leave the house til 8.45. I felt ok and had good banter on the way with club mates.
When we got there and lots of people were milling round, I thought, ok, I can be first female here. Though the main aim was to be first BRR female. I know! That makes me sound like a twat!
And I think it was after about 200 meters of the start I knew that unless I cocked up badly I would be first female. I didn't relax though because the marshals gave no hint of where I was, which sometimes happens and I know my club mate Vicky will kill herself to beat me :)
I was very happy then to finish in 21.26, and yep First Lady. Vicky got first vet and our first 3 boys got first team. Not a bad day for BRR. The male winner was 16.25!
So yeah, not a bad week really. I will leave you with another Springsteen lyric.
Now some folks are born into a good life, other folks, they just get it any way any how.....