That's a big fat lie. I keep meaning to lay off it before races and I keep forgetting. Still the curry beer and wine race preparation seems to be doing the trick.
I'll tell you shall I.
Monday went to Bootcamp in Regents Park. The public map must have been upside down cos it took me ages to find them :-D no drink though.
Tuesday was club handicap at barking. I dusted off my road bike to cycle down and remembered that I love it :) had a good run, was 21.26 I think? Whatever I haven't made it any easier for future races I can tell you. Finished higher up the field this time so times were more accurate. No drink though.
Wednesday I was supposed to be at early morning bootcamp but I woke feeling quite exhausted and had to text to say I wouldn't go. Was a good move I feel. Had a quite trying day at work, mainly because I think sometimes you have to be practical about things but explaining that to people who don't want to be is like hitting your head against a brick wall. Went for beer :-D
Thursday did intervals. Like a proper geek I had downloaded a session from garmin connect into my garmin *beams* how brilliant is that.
Set off on 2k warm up, that never seemed to end. After about 3 miles it struck me I hadn't hit the start button. Fucking geek muppet. Turned it on and did it the old fashioned way. Was 8 x 400m I think. I liked it cos I'm strange like that. Went to work all endorphined up, went for big beer :-D
Friday went to lunchtime bootcamp. Was good but really hard. Can't think why. Oh then after work went for beer. And wine. And curry.
But you see, I knew I'd be alright cos Tuesday night my legs said to me, we have more. Put us on the startline Saturday and we will show you.
Who am I to argue. I cycled there because me and my bike are in love. Chatted to j and her dad. She wasn't so good last week as she had a knee niggle, she was still First Lady though, and I expected a race.
We set off and there was one bloke in front of me for about 50m. Then I overtook him, and well I just felt great. I knew I was running well and it felt amazing. 1 mile in 6.36. I've been faster but not often. Halfway in 10.23. Blimey, I've never been that at halfway. Now I know I can PB. Being in the lead is making me keep at it. Yeah, I don't want to be passed. I want this!
And until 4.5k I had it. Then a bloke who has come first there previously overtook me. I had been aware of him for a while and when he went I couldn't stay with him. I had better get a bloody PB now!!!
And I did. 2nd overall. 21.04. Job done. J pulled out on second lap. She'll be back and I will give her a better race :)
That made me consider today. Southend half which I had decided not to do. Russ told me just to do 20k instead.
So I decided to do it :-D cos I'm not a contrary cow. Oh no!
And I loved it! Out and backs mean you are saying hello to people you know all the way. I had sooo much fun and I felt ace. Much better than last half I ran. That showed in the result 1.38.24 a nice PB.
My club mate V beat me by about 45 seconds in a 10miler the other week. She beat me by 3 today.....though I didn't know til after cos we started in different places, her much further forward than me. Maybe I would've just pushed that bit harder? Dunno.
Anyway V me and C won the third ladies team prize. Dead chuffed to have been part of a prize winning team for my new club for the first time.
Mr Made me roast chicken when I got home.
Happy days.
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