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Monday, 21 October 2013

I can't explain but I wanna try...

There's this image of you and I and it goes dancing by in the morning, and in the night time...

I like that. 22 years eh. I remember having a heart to heart with one of my best friends when I was properly messed up and predicting we wouldn't last 5. Getting to 9 was a challenge. Then I think I grew up. Fucking finally!

Well, grew up is a relative term. What I really mean is stopped trying to destroy everything I had cos I didn't think I deserved it. But that comes with age doesn't it. An acceptance of who you are, a learning to live with yourself. It's not always that easy! 

I know who I am now. I know I won't change. I can live with that.


Training wise last week was pretty shit, well, I didn't do any, that's shit isn't it! I just wasn't well, whatever got me at the weekend wiped me out. I limped through work doing only what I had to. Turned out what I thought it was, it wasn't, so I'm actually still going to GP later. Purely to rule some stuff out. That's wise I think. (Well someone at work had a bit of a go at me and made me)

That's fine though, I'm working at home today got a talk to do next Monday and I need to read some paper for a course. I can do all that here.

I did do one thing last week though, on Saturday I travelled up to the Midlands to do the Reaper race. A 10k obstacle course. 

I was picked up from the airport train station by Mark and Lesley who were also doing it. I will admit that I was very apprehensive ....not the race that doesn't scare me, but whether my stomach was going to do what it did the week before. So when I got in the car I *may* have appeared a bit grumpy. I was!

Anyway, got to the place some conference centre place where I can imagine team building exercises happen with lots of corporates. When I worked in the bank these courses were basically drinking festivals. Because there was no way you could stand all the stupid shit they made you do without getting blitzed every night. Srsly.

Anyway, seemed like a nice friendly get up, but not all that busy really.....shame I think cos it was awesome, but let me tell you.....

Started in a field and ran towards a lake edge. The course is like fenced off so you have only one way to run. It goes in the water so you are running shin deep through it, which was ok but so cold it made my bones ache. Christ I though, I don't fancy getting in this.....

So the first real obstacle is wooden rafts across the water, 5 or 6 in a row with gaps in between. The idea being you jump off the dock onto the first one, then jump across to the next etc. this all occurs in twos as there is room for two on each raft. We are all queuing waiting for our go.

It was hilarious as you can imagine, though my personal favourite bit was Mark and his male partner leaping onto the first raft (I think) whilst the couple on front were still on it. Of course they all fall off in the water. Class!

Me and my raft partner made it to 3 I think before the gaps became too large. You then decided you are better off just accepting it and leaping in and climbing onto the raft :)

Then a run through the lake edge again up to the grass.

The next bit was fields running switchbacks up and down, with a couple of banks you have to help each other up. Then off into the woods. The woods were great, loads of mud and water, fence things to climb over and sometimes things to go under like logs or nets. I think the hardest obstacle was the one where you had hang on to the rope feet on steep slope wood thing and pull yourself up to top and over. The pulling/walking up bit was ok but then letting go to grasp the top was hard!  I slipped back down once but made it second time.

There was another like that but it had some step things which made it loads easier.

The last section was really mainly deep puddles with logs to go over and under, just to make sure you were as muddy and wet as could be for the end.....ace fun!

Well, we finished as a team, I think Lesley conquered some stuff and Mark was brilliant at making sure we all stayed together, and if there was a prize for best looking topless guy would have won it *

Managed to get a shower after which was good and then was dropped at station for my return journey. Got home exhausted but having had a really good day :)

Yesterday was body balance. I'm not sure if you can possibly be less flexible than I normally am. But I was.

Next week is xc.

* he was the only one.

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