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Sunday, 1 December 2013

We get old all at once,

And it comes like a punch,
In the gut, in the back, in the face.
When it seems someone's lied,
And our parents have died,
So we hold on to each other in their place,
And I feel the water rising around us..... But maybe that's ok.

More lyrics. I like them. You do turn around and think, fuck! How did I get this old, and so quick? I have now lived for 14 years longer than my mum, and 4 years longer than my dad. Scary huh.

Still, I won't be visiting them in their care homes will I. Glass half full and all that :-D

I have decided recently to concentrate on training and worry about races less. I have learned something you see from nearly being 44. If it's making you unhappy, stop it! A simple thing but actually pretty hard to do.....

So I'm doing the sessions that Russ gives me, and now feeding back. Because I know me, I can make you think I'm doing perfectly fine whilst actually floundering. The numbers though, can't lie.
That said, I'm enjoying striving to get them and seem to be doing better for that. I did do the Serpie 5k on Friday. I booked in months ago as a mates girlfriend wanted to do a 5k near work. As it turns out she seems to have lost interest and then I had a meeting plonked right in the middle of it so I forgot about it. Then the meeting was cancelled on weds and I thought, well why not!

I last did this race (the only other occasion) in 2004 and got 23 something which was my 5k PB for years. So I hopped on the tube to Hyde park corner and then walked into a Hyde park that was very different from usual as the Winter Wonderland had started. Was actually really nice walking through that but a real juxtaposition when you come out the other side and see loads of skinny racing snakes warming up!

I would say if I was a nervous newbie I might not want to do this race. Looking around at the people there are loads of club vests and skinny frames. I was struck by the amount of über fit older women. I mean older than me but racing in their pants! Blimey!

Still, I had nothing to prove and I have stood at more start lines than I care to remember so I wasn't phased. What did I want? Well sub 22 I guess.

We started, and well, there were 275 runners, it was not easy to get position, and as I like to start quick but couldn't get to the front I realise I lost time here. But no matter, this was a bit of fun and at about a k in I found I was in enough space for me and was enjoying myself. It was 2 laps and at around halfway one of them old guys that is a fixture at established races told me 'you're doing well lass, you're in the top 20 girls' which made me smile and yeah gave me a boost.

I think I was most pleased with my finish as I know I pushed hard here and my final time was 22.02. Not sub 22 but I wasn't too disappointed, and the beauty is I know I will go back. This was a different course from normal because of the winter wonderland thing and they usually have 2 starts, one for sub 22 and then everyone else 2 minutes later. I need to decide which one to put myself in.......will I do better chasing the front group, or being a front runner in the second,,....not sure. I will give it some thought.

Anyway, did parkrun yesterday and did 21.51. An ok outing I think.

Today I did a set training session and exceeded targets, so I'm happy with that. Mr came and walked round the park as I ran, which was nice :) I'm hoping he will do York parkrun on Christmas Day so trying to get him out there.

Work, hmmmm, we all know I do love my job but it has been a bit trying lately. Not the research, but the rest of it. Trying to prevent people from trying to define our jobs (we are a team of 2) in terms of what they want rather than what they actually are. Anyway it will get sorted but there will be some stress on the way I'm guessing :-/

I think that's it for now. I need a cup of tea :-D

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