Still here.
I did the Spartan race last week, and it was ace! I think that was because it was a little different in that it was in a stadium and so there was no mud to wade through which does I am afraid play havoc with my knee. It was a nice day too so that always helps. I did as many of the obstacles as I could, fell off halfway on the monkey bars, couldn't get up the rope and fell off the grab wall thing going round a corner, so I did a fair few burpees. Absolutely loved going up and down the stadium steps and running past people who obviously dont :-D
The next day I was supposed to do around 12 miles, managed 5 I was just so tired and achy. Decided to run home from work on the Monday but then realised that my samples that I absolutely had to get running that night were not going to dry down for ages. So I needed to run whilst they were doing that. I went off up the canal and ran as far as I could which was until I was actually on someones flat doorstep in limehouse, and back. That gave me 11.6 miles. It was a slog if I am honest and really didn't give me much confidence for Kent, but I guess we have them runs. I am sure I must've done some other stuff in the week but I dont know what!
On Friday I saw Russ. First part was the yoga flow flexibility thing. It hurts. I must do it every day. I guess if it can increase my flexibility and my stride length it will be worth it. Then we did some silly walks outside. Some of them were videoed and this has resulted in me falling out badly with my right foot. How DARE it flick out like that! It looks bloody ridiculous! Of course this is down to my wonky knee *sigh* that means rather than just glancing at the leg press when I am in the gym I have to get on the effing thing. I did mean to ask Russ something though, is it right do you think to do both legs....wont that end up with the good one looking like a superhero leg and the other just being an ordinary Clark Kent one? Seriously I couldn't sleep the other night thinking about that. Maybe if I put as much effort into doing the exercises as worrying about them I would be a better runner. What a novel idea!
Anyway Saturday was Raphaels parkrun (The park IS named after a ninja turtle, how cool is that!) a really nice park with a suprisingly sweary hill in it 3 bastard times! Did a mediocre time, with pretty much destroyed glutes :)
Sunday rode off to the Velopark in Stratford with Andy and Claire to do a duathlon. 3 miles 15 miles 2 miles all on a 1 mile roadbike track. Suprisingly hard but a really good workout and by virtue of being old got second lady vet. Much to my very obvious suprise :-D It does spur me on though to be better.
Then Monday met up again with Andy, Claire and her boyfriend Paul and led them all to Ongar, then twice round the TSE loop. Then tea and childrens cake in Onfar before we cycled home. I clocked 43 miles and really enjoyed myself. I am starting to love the bike again :) Was going to try OW in the afternoon but there are certain days when swimming makes me want to throw myself off a bridge - though not a bridge over water, obv.
Thats it really, spent today working at home rejigging loads of data to meet different criteria ready to cry if I lost significance (I didnt) The best thing was no cat tried to kill themself. A good day!
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