drown your thoughts out at sea, dip your hands in the water, same deep water as me.
Oooh that's my calm me down song right now, chills me right out :-) And of course it mentions swimming so technically means I am actually doing some swim training even though I haven't been near a pool in months. BONUS! Although *whispers* I did take my cossie and goggles to the gym on Friday and left them in my locker just in case I get the urge.
I have swimathon 5k in April, I bloody had better get the urge soon :-O
It may be that I havent blogged in months, it may be that I have been insanely busy, it may be that actually I am less than happy with my running ... actually there is no maybe about that one. But there are undeniable facts to be faced.
1. I am too fat to run well
2. I am too fat to run well
3. I am too fat to run well.
Unanimous that really innit! I could be kinder to myself and say I weigh too much to run well but I really do need to kick myself up the bum and do something about it. Not diet, that's stupid and doesn't work, no, just eat properly, stop treating wine like water and stop raiding Mr H's chocolate drawer! (Heh, that's not funny AT ALL)
Anyway as always I have insight, just got to focus on wanting the athletic me to beat the alcoholic fat me! Actually as I say that Suzy our little barrel cat has walked in, she really needs to come running with me, but full kudos to her, she has the drinking under control. She can be my sponsor, I will work with her on the cat biscuit addiction.
Anyway, I am training, this year to do a half ironman which I start having actually trained on the bike, I know! Proper novelty. So it goes like this -
2 watt bike sessions - 1 with short max watt intervals, 1 with lower watts but still hard and longer. Whichever session it is I end up with a pool of sweat surrounding the bike. Luckily I am not at the gym to pull eh?
Then 2 or 3 runs. 1 interval session (love these, they make you feel properly alive) 1 tempo session which currently I have at 5min per k as half marathon pace. For some perspective here a couple of years ago I was looking at 4.35 as half mara pace, so I am way off. Last run usually some sort of race, currently xc which I am doing just cos it hurts, and I want to win the xc trophy at club this year :-D
Then I do a strength session and or see Russ for a coached session.
Obviously I listen to swimming songs too.
Ironically the half IM I had targetted actually wont take place this year so I need to have a think on it and choose another but I am in no rush, the training is enjoyable enough and in April I get to go to Majorca on a training camp with friends which is something I have always wanted to do so if that is what this year is about then that's fine!
I appear not to have mentioned work. GOOD! I am an AL today just so I dont have to be there because last week it drove me so nuts, so nuts that I found a flea on Suzie on Thursday and I had a complete meltdown. I briefly considered burning the flat down but wasn't sure what insurance we had so I have shelved that until I have my facts straight and all my trainers and bike and mac somewhere safe. Obviously the cats will be out and Chris will be at work. Obv!!!!
Better stop now before the evidence is too compelling :-)
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