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Monday, 21 November 2011

Ticking over....and overthinking. As usual.

Thats what I'm doing right now. I'm not 100% on my legs with painful sciatic nerve both sides, making running feel harder than it should. Actually making me wonder if at any point I will be able to run quicker again :-/

I'm sure that more than one person told me before the 10 in 10 that afterwards everything would be easy and I'd be running PBs all over the place. No I'm not, I'm not even nearly! Maybe I need an extended period off running. It;s been on my mind, even when I dont think it is. I am being very haphazard in my training, like I cant settle to anything, a sign I guess I'm a bit bored and probably a bit frustrated.

Soooooo, what to do. Well I had my second sports massage this weekend (I mean in a block of 3) and I definitely felt the benefit this time. Maybe I mean it was less painful than last time cos my muscles werent so tight. I have one booked the day before bedford half, see if I cant get round it with at least SOME dignity intact.

And you know I've been swimming a bit, and yesterday I went for a bike ride with some friends from running club (please note this was not an official ride sanctioned by Dagenham 88 runners, if it was there would be loads of wanky health and safety bollocks to go through before it could happen, so really it never would have, this is not a moan at my running club it is a general moan at the state of things today which in some areas are complete toss)

The ride was about 40 miles through Collier Row, onto brentwood, Kelvedon hatch, ongar, Abridge and Hainault. Those are what I remember. Kelvedon Hatch smells of wee and I thought it was a really posh place. So there you go, you never can tell. Despite all the rumours Essex isn't completely flat and I actually found it quite challenging......more so because I thought like a complete bloody idiot that I wouldn't need any fuel, a consequence of being so out of the loop with bike training. I wont do that again. But I enjoyed the change and although my legs are not brilliant today I am sure the change of excercise does me good.

To that end I paid for a Groupon offer today for 10 spin lessons for £30. Bargain! Normally they are 12.50 a go and it's near work. I need to check tomorrow when I can book on, but I dont think they will do me any harm at all.

I am still running and I dont suppose I will actually stop. I just want to know when its going to feel better. I know it can. I shall marshall parkrun on Saturday that will make me feel good (as long as I can change the haircut appt I have double booked with it) and then have a think.

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