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Saturday, 10 December 2011


Life, the universe and everything innit.

I haven't blogged for a bit. I have been going to and then each time I realised I had something or other on my mind that would make it too honest....too much me. I know a blog is where you can do that but I was a bit surprised at how much I said in my Brathay blog and I don't want to do it again :-)

Anyhow, running, yeah I have been but nothing massive. But I am well aware of what I have to do and you can rely on the fact I won't be resting over Xmas. I'm just busy with other stuff too. I decided today not to do Bedford Half, when I entered I thought right, little bit of speed work and I'll get a PB, no bother.

Yeah, right. Real world.......speed work tweaked my piriformis, cue depression about whether I can actually run fast anymore, sports massage and swimming and the realisation that if I am not sure I can run my best I don't want to do it. Since Chris has to drive me I can't make him go if I'm not sure I even want to. So my birthday run will be on my own. That's cool I do that really well :)

I did think about running it slower as a fun run but I don't know it just wouldn't fit right.

Then a week next weds I will run another mara somewhere in bletchley I am hoping that this will kick start some decent long runs, I am sure it will.

Anyway, I've had a really nice day today, massage, run, nice pressie and a bit of doing not much, good cos I reckon next 2weeks at work are a bit full on. I found out Friday I need to update my cv and do a personal statement to apply for a travel grant by Wednesday, which is a pain but I guess a trip to Philadelphia will be worth it :) then I have to get through the work Xmas do without making a tit of myself..... Never that easy when my natural state tends towards tit!!!

Then Shed Seven next Saturday....woooohoooooooooooooooo :o)

This blog was written on my iPad ( ner ner Jules)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you!
    Shame about Bedford but do understand. Would have been nice to say 'Hi.' But there'll be another time (January?!)
    Glad your Birthday was good, that's nice.
    As for the work do...I have ALWAYS avoided them like the plague! So good luck with that!
