Don't you bloody hate that saying? I do, I am also not a particular fan of team games.
I like I best.
When I was a small child I absolutely refused to take part in team games at school, and would throw a fit if anyone tried to make me. I was incredibly shy and terrified of letting other people down. If you are told you are useless you eventually believe it. A really nice teacher though, (really sorry but I dont remember her name) obviously saw what was wrong and would spend time with me at playtime throwing a ball to me convincing me that a) I could catch it, I wasn't that clumsy and b) if I did drop it the world wouldn't end. She convinced me that I could take part in that rounders game at lunchtime and that I should try out for the netball team. She was right about the rounders, I played for the school all through seniors and discovered a talent for hockey too. I never enjoyed netball really, something to do with bloody hard ball and frozen fingers. Give me a whack round the shins with a hockey stick any day :-0 Or crack my ribs with a rounders ball....thats fine :D
But where I came into my own was cross country. As much as I could now be in a team, running on my own was what I was made for, and I could do it for as long as you wanted too......sometimes in the wrong direction admittedly but I had discovered the thing that I was best at, and that made me happiest. And best of all I could run for me but be part of a bigger team.........everyone wins!
As an adult I have been on more team building courses than I care to mention, Barclays PLC was dead keen on them. I discovered that the best way to get through them was to be as loud as possible on day 1, take part in everything and get pissed in the evenings :0) Sitting around being quiet and unhappy to be there just led to being really miserable.
I guess I have gained from them and appreciate the need at work for an element of teamwork and sometimes I am that loud noisy person from those courses because you need to be to get stuff done.
I still need to run on my own though :)
I had a bit of a tantrum at tri club swimming last night :( I am sooooo embarrassed that I can still act like I'm 7. But it was team games you see............and whilst I dont mind when I'm confident at what I'm doing I am hyper aware of my rubbishness at swimming. They also had a game where you had to grab feet and someone has to grab yours......I nearly had a coronary when they described that one............NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN.
On the other hand, I had a truly fab day on Saturday and one of my twitter friends sent me these reindeer antlers ................thanks Farnie :))) I look happy dont I ....thank you Fosters :-D
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