Tell me how, how does it feel?.......
Hmmmm, I don't know that I feel in control of much at the moment. But times get like this don't they, and you muddle through and it all gets done, or it doesn't.
In not very long at all you will find it didn't matter as much as you thought it did.
Training - well still enjoying bimbling about. Joined the pool, and am enjoying swimming. Bought a new cossie, it's fab to swim in but a real bastard to get on and off!
Maybe I am carrying more timber. P'raps it's not teasing ;-D
I am running a bit and today did 10 miles. I am pleased with that, I bought a polar hrm and I love it. I havent set zones or any of that malarkey yet I just ran trying to stay below 150, which actually is fine until yu stop thinking about what you are doing and then you speed up and end at 175 before you even notice.
I coughed and it went to 208. I stopped and checked my airway, breathing and circulation. I was still alive. I was quite pleased.
Anway, I shall spend some time a) working out how to set appropriate zones,and b) learning to run to them. I have been needing to do this for ages but am easily distracted.
The actual strap is much better than the garmin one too. It doesn't look like someone tied to cut me in half with a butter knife ;D
Work - pretty bloody busy. Conference next week and in the meantime everything I know how to do has been something that someone else needed to learn. Also on Wednesday I and a colleague had to go to a school to participate in a careers fair. It was fine and quite interesting but having someone come up to you with the question 'what career can I have in science' and then waiting for you to tell them exactly that is quite hard. Also the question I learned to dread was 'I'm doing physics, where will that take me?' partly because I have no real idea and secondly because I wanted to say 'well you could be a nerdy geek like those guys in the Big Bang Theory' which might not have gone down so well with the serious fee paying parents.
Which reminds me, LU please get some toilets fixed up at Stratford, I so nearly exploded on my way home from Clapham Junction that night.
I learned this week a bit about the drug Heminevrin. I know what it smells like because its one of those thing you dont forget, I also learned what the term status epilepticus means. I'm suprised I didn't already know these things but for reasons I dont know this is what my mind wants to know.
That was entirely apropos of nothing.
I deactivated my FB account this week. I don't need 200 people telling me to look at the Kony 2012 video. If that makes me sound like a grumpy cow, good, cos that is what I am.
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