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Monday, 26 March 2012

We need to talk about....

Well, not much really.

I just had a normal week, but then these are the times that glue all the other stuff together. Though I imagine it is hard to believe that my life isn't 24/7 excitement all the time.

I am pleased on 2 counts.

1st I have had some ideas of how to take my work forward, maybe get some pilot data to go in a grant application.

2nd I feel like I have got back into training again.

I ran 30 minutes on Monday despite being so tired I could barely lift my feet .......

These might be the reason for that :-D

Then spin on Tues and Weds, a 5 mile run on Thurs, rest Friday, 10 mile run and a swim on Saturday and 5 mile run and 60 minute turbo on Sunday.

It's not massive and I have had much bigger weeks but you know I do have to start somewhere. There are some numbers in some boxes that make it that much more likely I will be running VLM, and I'm pleased about this :)

I also marshalled yesterday at the Dagenham Sport Relief mile, I like doing this, it's a really nice atmosphere and people are generally really cheery. Not all though, but I wont go there. Despite it being summer on saturday we were back to winter on Sunday and because I ran there I had to ring Mr H to bring me emergency quilted clothing, hat and scarf! By rights the grand prix should have been over, it wasn't really my fault there had been a monsoon was it!!!!

Anyway, there I am freezing my bits off before he turned up :)

So, no groundbreaking news, but a satisfying blog nonetheless.

Next Sunday sees me attempting a duathlon. That should be fun shouldn't it (I am quite excited, I havent been out on my bike for sooooo long it is not funny)

(my paper has been in for 9 weeks today, seriously it isn't that long, please hurry up and dont say no!)

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