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Sunday, 1 April 2012

No good advice...

Good a title as any isn't it? I'm just listening to girl groups on TOTP2 and it's Girls Aloud. I feel no shame in admitting I love them. Along with All Saints and Spice girls.

All Saints remind me of The Beach, you know that Alex Garland book, there was a time when whole tube carriages seemed to be reading it. I enjoyed it, I can't remember an awful lot about it now but I remember it left me feeling a bit on edge. Prob cos of the shark. Anyway, I loved the soundtrack......was it William Orbit that produced it? Think so, I liked the sound and played it to death.

That would be the soundtrack to the film. There was no soundtrack to the book, just me singing to myself :-D

Anyway, moving on.......a decent weeks training. I have run 6 times, swum twice and biked once. A decent amount of hours and consistency.

Did a long one yesterday, 15 miles, I would have liked it warmer but you get what you get don't you. I do think that heat equals quicker for me. So shall I pray for a scorcher at London? He he he, yes I will!! I then swam just the 1k again but it does me good and I'm enjoying it. I will add a few quick (er) bits now as I have a tri in 4 weeks.

And my first duathlon since, erm, well this time last year. I haven't been out on my bike since *****************+************* I can't even tell you so I was a bit apprehensive.

I was right to be, it was effing freezing and the first lap I though my ears and feet were going to fall off. I was seriously going to give up.

But then I did that talking to myself bit, and as I cycled up the long drag to the end of the first lap I decided that since death wasn't imminent I would start to enjoy it. And I did!

I will not be called up for the road racing team for the Olympics but I don't think I embarrassed myself. The run was ok, my lack of running off the bike lately really showed, and the fact I really don't have speed but I wasn't unhappy with it. It was nice to do something other than a marathon :)

So, basically I'm just training. At the moment I'm intending to do London, but it isn't 100%. I find the whole experience quite stressful so if I think it will make me unhappy I won't do it. I'm quite aware that in terms of running I am being quite antisocial at the moment to the point where I'm wondering if being in a club is worth it. But I don't have to decide right now.

Right I'm off now. 3 days at work then 7 days off. Wooohoooo!!!!!!

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