Come get me off this merry go round....
Tis true. All this week I have been working off fumes or something.
I guess last weekend was a bit busy. As a consequence I rested Monday and then Tuesday too. I still went to work obv but I felt really flat. Wednesday I had a go at the session that said 5 miles with 3 x 0.5 at 10k pace. Pretty much nailed that and was really pleased. That left me 2 sessions for the week. 8 and a 10.
Thursday I swam as my legs were a bit shot. Friday I planned 10m steady, woke up, pissing rain decided to go for the 8. Started, slow, and basically couldn't find anything for the quick bits it just wasn't there. At 2 miles I got stomach cramps at 3.5 I binned it.
On advice I didn't try to catch it up, but I did do that session on Saturday and felt fine. I don't know why.
Or maybe I do, I was playing around with my diet last week and cutting carbs, I probably went a bit far :D
Anyway, today was a sprint tri. All of 1 mile from my house. I set myself a goal of 1.30 and achieved it by 15 seconds. Being more optimistic wasn't going to work due to the numerous traffic light stops on each lap. I can tell you it is very frustrating to work hard to go past someone on the bike and them have them pull up beside you at the lights, or worse, just jump them :-D
Anyway it was fun and my first tri of the year so all good. I've sent feedback too as I feel it is important to support local events. Get me!
I started writing this blog 2 weeks ago and I have finally the energy to finish it.
Last weekend I went up to Nottingham on Saturday to meet up with lots of triathletes and do the 3k big swim. It was an early start but got there in good time and registered with @JWUltra who was doing the 5k as race prep for his 10k target race. I'll be honest I felt a bit of a fraud as everyone was registering to do IM and here was me registering to not even do the whole swim distance. But at least I was doing something. Met up with loads of pirates and was great to see FB and Petal who were also doing the 3k and then doing bike in/out marshalling the next day.
Anyway midday came and JW went off (ooh nearly forgot SA was doing it too, I had lovely hugs off the whole family when I saw them :-) I went off and had a nice chat with KK and generally faffed around while the 5k went on. I predicted a 1.35-1.40 swim for JW so started looking out from 1.30. I'm guessing he came by the group of us watching out at about 1.35.... I knew it was him coming because his stroke looks really 'lazy' and yet he is moving some.....can I just say how jealous I am of that :-D and he finished in 1.41 something which was a great result and his race plan had worked. (I understand this is due to @JPSSportsCoach ) I had to rush off then and change for mine. My target was 1.20, and not to have the stupid panic thing I always get.
Started well, no panic yahoo!!!! Swam steadily to the turn around, was aware the nearer I got the more choppy it was becoming. The bouy was blowing around like mad. I had visions of it bopping me on the head and knocking me out! So I gave it a v wide berth. ( confession here, I am scared of bouys, and the ropes that anchor them, seeing that rope going down into the depths makes me feel sick..... Odd maybe but there you go) so past the bouy and into loads of chop, got a fair few mouthfuls of water and a good slapping it felt like! However past a certain point it calms and you are heading home.
Only to get out, do a little run and then jump back in and do it again! I love that bit. You feel drunk, and yet you're an athlete!!! That's me :)))
I wasn't drunk. Just to clarify.
Anyway second lap pretty much like the first. The bouy didn't get me, I was more prepared for the chop and I finished in 1.18 something. Yay!!!!
Got changed said hello to a few more people. Was delighted with how delighted Petal was to chick FB, and was really pleased to be able to wish Sid all the best.
Then I was even more delighted to drink a few cans of Stella in great company before I headed home.
Sunday I followed the outlaws progress. I was well impressed with Emma's win and the same with Sid's finish. But there were lots of great performances, Hope and Holly did fab, Meldy and Mouse and well just too many to mention really.
I tried to run, but had too bad a stomach to complete, which pretty much brings me up to date cos I haven't felt really that well til today. Must've picked up a virus.
So with that and the tired problem which I am hoping will get sorted soon my training week has been pants.
Tomorrow is another day and as it happens a 10 mile leg of the @enduranclife real relay which is following the Olympic torch round Britain from Colchester to Tiptree.
If I don't get lost I'll tell you how it went next week :)))
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