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Monday, 18 June 2012

Tell me all,

and I'll try to piece it together, I've got a photofit mind, but I'm a first rate forgetter.....

ANYWAY, I've been busy!

I'm not even going to talk about work, my day to day job doesn't really involve many meetings. I have to go to a number of lab talks and such like but generally I work on my own so not many people to meet with :) Last week I had 4 MILLION. I know!!!!! A couple were career related so actually probably quite important, but still.

I lied, I am going to talk a bit about work, on Monday I had 3 work experience girls with me for a couple of hours. Basically we need to give them an overview of what we do and perhaps show them a bit of lab work. Sometimes it's quite difficult because they think they know everything (of course when I was 17 I was world expert on most matters) but this group surprised me by being so interested and impressed by EVERYTHING. Seriously, my Gilson pipette was the best thing they had ever seen. Maybe they were just taking the piss out of me but those few hours were quite pleasant and I wish them all well in their A levels. That's good that is, I have wanted to stab previous students :-D

Then on Tuesday night I had a 5 mile race in Romford. I'm not that keen on evening races because generally I haven't drunk enough in the day and then there's the worry of something going wrong at work or on transport so I don't get there but this wasn't too bad. I did have to beg some water off the water station before the start as I had forgotten to bring any but I think I started in quite good fettle. Finished in 40.42 my av pace was 8.12. Ok thats where I am. This was very flat mainly on roads.

Then Saturday I was due to do the Great East 1 mile swim, but it was put back to Sunday because of worries about high winds. Not ideal as I was quite busy already Sunday but was still going to be doable.

So the 16 miler that I was going to do on Sunday incorporating a 5.5m race was moved to Saturday. A bit of a lacklustre performance really (I have an idea that being out and drinking alcohol 3 consequ...... 3 nights on the trot before hand was a bad idea) but it got done.

And yeah my legs were done too. Soooooo tired, however I had work to do the next day.

Up at 5.30 Sunday to go and help out at Tri Sport Epping's Try a tri event. My job was swim timing and Mr H got the job of puller. He thought his luck was in but actually it was a really tough job pulling tired novice triathletes out of the pool when they are a dead weight :-D
Theres me ready to go :)
Anyway, I think we saw 137 people in and out of the swim and then we got in the car back to Dagenham to my running clubs race which is part of the same series as the one last Tuesday had been. This one is pretty much all off road and consisted of 3 laps round the 'Chase' a small nature reservy thing. Pleasingly I did this in a 8.13 average, on much more tired legs than on Tues night. I was happy with that.

Just before the race. Note the bed head!!!! I still wasn't properly awake :D Mind you Michael behind me looks like he is doesn't he!

So, that left the swim. Raced home jumped in shower, picked up my wetsuit and stuff and we drove to Ipswich. Well, Mr H drove, I tried to make conversation with him but ended up dribbling on my chest when I went to sleep. He did a good job as we got there just as registration for my wave had started. I did a quick change, got interviewed by someone from the telly and went to acclimatise.

Ooooh it felt cold. But that's because I haven't been in OW for aaaages. Anyway I swam about a bit and satisfied myself that I could still swim. We then had to get out and be herded into a pen where some aerobics instructor thought she'd give herself some entertainment trying to make people lumbering about in wetsuits do a warm up. I joined in because there wasn't anything else to do. Then the compare interviewed people from earlier which was erm.......a load of cock really, I just wanted to get in the water! Eventually, when we had had enough time to become de-acclimatised we were allowed to go in.

The first 400m were a bit of a nightmare. Head up doggy paddle as usual which is very energy consuming. I told myself I could do that all the way if I needed....I know I am strong enough. And as soon as I had accepted that, I could put my face in the water. It really really is head games.

The rest of it was quite pleasant. The only other problem was the end because you had to swim under this gantry thing for the chip in your hat, but compared to massive bouys and flags it was really small and I couldn't see it! A canoeist and some shouting got me there.

Out onto the carpet and you get a goody bag with t shirt and medal and water and bits and bobs, then a you cant take a picture of me looking like the creature from the black lagoon, but thanks for asking.

I did 39.03. I am very happy with that :)))))

AND, I did my exercises when I got in.

Rest day today, I have sessions later in the week that I want to hit. Oh and a sprint tri on Sunday. I am thinking of pumping up the tyres on my bike on Saturday. That will be bike training sorted!!!


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