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Sunday, 30 September 2012

A little less conversation......

Well I had to do it didn't I :)

Today was the last race in the Elvis (east london inter club 5 s) or something like that. A series of 7 races over the summer of 5k or 5 miles where the first 6 men or 4 ladies counted for scoring having to include at least one vet. ( veteran although they may have been some animal vets running I don't know).

This year having retired from going long I set myself the aim of doing them all. I've been a member of Dagenham 88 runners since 2004 and have seen it grow into a vibrant club with some good runners and although getting to training sessions is a rare thing for me I still want to feel a part of it, and this is a good way.

The first race was Eton Manor 5k. It wasn't that good for me. 24.42 I think but I counted and that was important. The next 4 were 5 milers :-

Havering 5 mile
Dagenham 5 ish
Ilford hilly 5
Orion 5

I didn't distinguish myself at any but because our best female vet has been out all season I was 2nd counter and 1st vet for the first 3, and then with some form returning 1st counter and vet for the last one.

Then was barking 5k on BH Monday . I had a blinder here, smashed my 5k PB to finish as 9th lady and 1st counter again in 22.16.

I was happy with that :)

Today was the last race the valentines park 5k. To ensure I was still able to run after last weeks adventures you remember the unsceduled 20 miler then 4 bloody days of stomach cramp :-/ I did parkrun yesterday.

And did 22.04. Oh, ok then I can actually still run.

Spent the night wondering if I should have done that, but apart from having a cold and being a bit snotty I seemed ok. I was still very nervous this morning.

I stuck myself at the front at the start, see I don't mind doing that if I think I can justify it :) and went off quick, basically racing to put myself in front of any other females I could.

Within a k there were 2 in front that I could see. Both ilford ladies, both of whom I had never beaten. One started to run away but I was keeping with the other, ok AJ just keep with her.

And I did! Until about three quarters of the way when I could hear her breathing getting quite laboured. I still felt marginally alive so I pushed and passed. I was amazed and sure she would come back, but she didn't. A couple of blokes from my club passed me in the last 500 m or so but no women..... Blimey!

So I crossed the line 22.05. Proving to myself finally that the 22.01 I did a few weeks ago is not a fluke.

I asked Mr H how many women were in front of me but he had been getting me a cup of tea ( :-)) so missed me finishing, so I thought no more about it and went home.

And then got a tweet from Jen telling me that I was second lady and won £25. Not a bad weekends running then!

Bring me a 10 k now please. I like the pain :-D


  1. Amazing progress in short distance races that are only meant to show progress by seconds, not minutes!? I spose no one told you that did they?! LOL!
    So is this a long term thing the distance step away? Or are you now going to have a season of 10k's....then 1/2's...then back to the real races?! (*runs away quickly sniggering*)

  2. Most of the improvement is down to being anaemic in July and not now :) also following a proper plan which takes me to a half by jan and Brighton mara in April. Fingers crossed.
