and I wouldn't want to change you, don't you know I can save save you?
I'll do it it on my very own....
That's apropos of nothing, I just been listening to it :)
So what I been up to?
Well I lined up for my challenge parkrun yesterday having not run since Monday. A combination of feeling below par and thinking fuck it twice and drinking rather than training. Needing to find a new job is weighing a bit heavy right now. Everybody tells me I will be fine, but you know what? Prove it then, ha! You can't can you :-/
Anyway enough of that. I lined up thinking that last week was such an improvement that I would be really lucky to do better, but I'd try to beat V and see what happened. A young tall athletic looking girl lined up too and I said to V 'she'll win it' .... I wasn't wrong :-)
But I started well, feeling good again and tried to keep tall girl in my sights. I thought V was keeping with me but I seemed to be moving away from her so just went with it, keeping TG not too far ahead although she was moving further away, I could tell. Got to a mile .....6.45 ooh better than last week, get in! Then tried to go the wrong way :-D corrected quickly (follow the blue arrows on the floor you twat!) and started to calculate how much better was that than last week? (or more truthfully what did I have to do to beat 22.04). However despite being a mental arithmetic demon at 7, at 42 I'm a dumbass and I couldn't do. I decided to settle for trying to keep each mile split less than last week and proper welly the last 0.1.
Next mile, 7.05. Yes better.
Last mile, 7.20, better than last weeks last mile by an amazing 1 second.shit I'd better move this last bit..... And I was actually catching TG :)
Anyway, end result 22.01. 15 second PB, I beat V and 22.04. Mission accomplished :-)
Of course I'm disappointed that it wasn't sub 22, but blimey I'm a bit
shocked at my form just now so I will just be happy at what I got and work harder to get it lower.
Then today it was BRAT Olympic distance triathlon. I blogged about last years disaster where dumb, dumber and even more dumb all managed to sod up a part of it :-) all I wanted this year was to go the right way on the bike.
So a brief rundown, I didn't panic in the swim :) I went the right way on the bike, I did okaaaaay on the run which wasn't really my cup of tea, lots on grass and a slope 4 times I hated, and last year I did
This year
And this despite my supporters completely ignoring me coming in off the bike despite me shouting at them. They waited at bike in for ages assuming I had gone wrong/had an accident ..... Thanks chaps!
So it was great to see @JWUltra (who also did it) @LJB1 who marshalled with a big flag, @madlot and @sidowski who supported (lots of other people).
Off to Paralympics tomorrow and Friday athletics first, then swimming and then Friday night I'm going to the iTunes festival to see Elbow :)
If I get an interview this week that will make it :)
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