If I don't stand up?
My stomach is not doing standing right now. Thanks.
I meant to blog last Sunday. Don't know why I didn't, probably CBA, been a bit like that lately haven't I.
I did go to Southend last week. I stood on the startline and all I felt was dread. That's not right is it? I get excited by races, I don't dread them!
Anyway, gun went off, I started and immediately knew I wouldn't finish. It was that simple.
I knew we would pass a pub before 1k where Mr H was. I would see him, pull out, job done :-D
I didn't see him. So I kept going. 2k clicked by 4.15s. Good pace. But I didn't want to spend another 8k chasing that. I honestly can't explain it I just didn't. So just after that I did see him. He cheered and clapped and then looked really confused as I ran towards him, threw my cap on the floor sat on the pub chair, put my head on the table and cried.
I am so glad I'm not married to me.
I sat there for a minute or so wondering what I was going to do. I had after all persuaded Mr H to drive me there, and it isn't that close. I felt like a proper heel.
Then I saw Ron, he is a v60 from my club who can still run a lot faster than me. He was obviously struggling and I remembered he has been having problems with his sciatic nerve. Bloody hell AJ, if he is going to finish then you bloody well can too. So I rejoined the race and ran it with him. Nice and relaxed chatting all the way. Turns out we helped each other, and sometimes that is what it is all about.
So I told Russ what a fuck up I had made and he suggested I run as I like all week and then talk to him at the weekend. Okdk, fair enough.
I basically ran twice, that was all I wanted to do and never made it to any track sessions, I felt tired and listless, and also this week was boss week at work, I need to make sure everything is in order.
Friday night I would normally go out for a couple of drinks with my mate, but I found myself leaving work early shouting him that I felt like crap and was going home. This was true though I couldn't tell you what was wrong.
Had an early night and having pulled out of going to Bushey cos I couldn't face it I decided to go with Mr H to Barking. One of the reasons was that I know he had been wondering what was wrong with me so I wanted to have a happy run for him (and me) I don't like making him worry about me, I've done far too much of that in the past :-/
So got there and noticed a fair few younger runners. Found out it was an away day from Harrow Lodge and they were from Havering Mayesbrook which is one of the better clubs round here, well in terms of quick runners. I pointed out 2 JW15-19 girls to Mr H and told him they would be first two ladies. That was fine with me. Pressure right off just run my own race.
I did, and I enjoyed it! 21.32 a time I was happy with, and I was right about the girls :) the first one broke the course record with an 18.56. Wow!
Anyway, stayed for coffee after whilst Mr H got a bit of training on the computer stuff, then home and change before he took me to body balance which I once again enjoyed.
Then home for a sleep. I wanted about 3 hours but I think I got an hour. Woken by a persistent headache, which wouldn't have mattered normally but I had agreed to run 10 miles in a marathon relay team and the race was in Southend and starting at midnight!
I blame twitter.
Never mind I was expected I had to go! Had a pasta meal at 8 o'clock then relaxed until 10 when Mr drove me to Upminster station where I would meet some strangers from the internet :-D not the first time he has driven me to meet strangers but it's not normally that late at night :)
And when I say drive me there, he actually got us lost, he said he was going the long way round which is actually manspeak for ' I haven't got a fucking clue where I am but I'm not going to admit that to you'
We made it eventually. I introduced myself and him to Andy and Emma and we set of for Havens Hospice in Southend (no I don't think it's the end for me yet, that's just where the race was)
This race is the Midnite marathon set up to raise funds for the hospice by Ian who seems like a very nice chap :) this was the first year and I think there had been some problems with publicity so there were not many there, but I'll tell you what, you couldn't ask to be looked after better. On arrival we signed in and got a t shirt and a goody bag of sweets and drinks. Someone made us a hot drink too! Awesome.
Chatted to people for a bit mainly Emma really as I didn't know anyone but that was fine. Got introduced to 2 other people in our team....Malcolm and Lee. I was doing the first 10, then Malcolm and Lee would do 6 each then Emma would do the last 4 as she is still recovering from surgery for appendicitis which all sounded a bit complicated and dramatic :-/
Few pictures before the off....

And away I and about 10 others were off.
I had no idea of the route but I didn't need to. Bikers preceded and followed us. When ever there was a turn a cyclist would be there. Sorted!
First mile I was getting used to the poor light, though a head torch wasn't necessary, I found my pace and settled in. I had said I would be 90 minutes.
By mile 2 I knew something was amiss. I was running fine, there was nothing wrong with that. But I was feeling incredibly nauseous . I couldn't work out why. I decided that it was because I hadn't digested my main meal properly, after all I'm not used to running after it. Still I couldn't give up I was in a team.
By 5 miles my stomach was beginning to hurt, and I was thinking I needed the loo. Still feeling sick.
At about six a group of blokes including the organiser caught me up as I pondered the route (I had been told where to go but I can still do it wrong, oh yes!) I told him I really needed the loo. That's fine he said, at 7 miles the Marshall point was outside someone's front door. Ace.
Stopped there and was able to use the facilities. Brilliant I thought, I will be fine now.
But I wasn't. Within half a mile of leaving I was wondering where to throw up and or, well...let's not go there. I just had to keep running as I couldn't see anyone in front or behind me now. Still only about 2 to go. Head down get on with it. I thought maybe a late night pub, but the one I passed there were loads of people all shouting and milling about outside and I just couldn't face going in. Well I wasn't really dressed for it!i did get a few claps as I passed :-D
Eventually I came to a park, and yes! There was a sign on it saying Chalkwell Park, somewhere here was relay runner number 2. And he was, about 500m down the road. Along with a driver to take me back to base. Perfect!
When I got back I was immediately offered a bacon sandwich. I told you they were good.
I couldn't. Cup of tea though, that's ok. Sat and chatted to Emma for a while as she was still waiting til her turn to go. Was very pleasant but I was aware of my stomach becoming more and more painful. When she left I chatted to two Havens coordinaters, which was really interesting listening to the events they put on, some of which I have done. I had to excuse myself rather abruptly at one point though. And pretty much from then on til I left I was up and down like a flipping jack in the box as my stomach turned against me. One of our relay team had offered me a lift to Benfleet station for the first train at 5.55. The journey to barking would take an hour. I started to view this prospect with horror. I was already in the loo every 2 minutes and knew I was going to be sick at some point. I didn't really want to do it on the C2C train :-/
Luckily Emma and Andy were superstars and seeing how unwell I was becoming offered to drive me all the way home. I was sooooo grateful. Everyone was so nice.
I got in about 6am and then basically camped out in the loo, sweating shivering and being sick for a few hours.
I did wake Mr H at half 8 when I was having a lull so that he could at least have a wee :-D
Spent most of the rest of the day doubled up in bed waiting til I could keep some painkillers down. I did in the end, and got some sleep.....ahhhh thank god for that!
I stayed off work today cos I'm still in pain, but I have managed to eat some toast and some breaded fish.....that's grown up fish fingers (and tomato sauce, which is actually prescribed to me by my doctor, FACT) and so far it has all remained where it should be.
I'm not training this week. I need my body to feel better and I want to be fit for the Reaper on Saturday :)))
That wasn't graphic or owt was it? And you know I would very much recommend that race ( I wanted to say something else but I can't spell it, how strange!) and hope to go back next year and do the whole thing. I *might* be looking forward to long distance again.
Anyway, that's all.