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Sunday 15 April 2012

You fit me better.....

Than my favourite sweater :-D

Now that's not quite true because the handlebars are a bit too far forward so tri bars would be too far of a stretch, but nonetheless I feel at home on this.

I can't remember if it was Jan 2006 or 2007 that I bought my bike. I do remember it sat looking at me in the hall for some months before I got the courage up to actually ride it. With foot cage things on the pedals, which I hated. Getting your foot in was a complete lottery as they would swing downwards as soon as you removed your foot. That was if you remembered to. I can remember a nasty trying to cut myself in half incident whilst cycling round Hainault park in the early days :-/

So I got clipless pretty quick and gave Mr H the best laugh ever on the day I taught myself to use them. But I learnt pretty quick and haven't had THAT many failing to unclip incidents :)

The first tri it was going to be used at was the tri sport try a tri. Until I broke the valve off the inner tube the morning of the race and didn't have a spare or tbh a pump that would work on it or any idea how to do it. That's how much I knew :-/ I did that one on my hybrid.

So it's first real outing was stratford tri. I'd had a computer fitted the week before which helpfully flew off as I was going down the dual carriageway :-D I decided stopping would not be a good idea.

Since then we've done lots of sprints, a couple of Olympic distances, 3 half IMs and 2 IMs. We've done a few sportives including the one where we crashed into a parked car :-/ and countless training miles.

This week we started going out together again.

And you know what. I love it :)

That's a really long way to say I'm not running, but I've not stopped. Oh no.

1 comment:

  1. 'the tri sport try a tri' I love that sentence! Made me laugh!

    STILL not quite sure what I missed on Twitter about your cycling, but I'm not worried!

    It's just good to read enthusiasm!
